

Utilo is a one stop solution to a number of problems we face in day to day life. For example, Downloading a youtube video, being up to date with a facebook page or twitter handle etc. Utilo uses telegram to communicate with the users. It is a Utility bot which works on telegram. Utilo has a lot of useful functions :

  • File URL generator
  • Youtube download and search
  • Facebook and twitter subscription
  • If you want to send someone an E-mail without using your E-mail id Utilo can help you in that too.
  • If you feel bored Utilo can also entertain you with hilarious random Chuck Norris jokes.
  • This project also won 3rd place in DigitalOcean CloudHack’s online edition !


    Using youtube search

    Utilobot - Youtube search

    Using youtube download

    Utilobot - Youtube download

    Using file link generators

    Utilobot - Link generator
    Utilobot - Audio link generator
    Utilobot - Image link generator

    Getting Jokes

    Utilobot - Joke

    Sending Mail

    Utilobot - Send mail

    Check it out here . If you need some help, just tell me.

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